Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Final Blog Post

I think that this class was a good combination of old vs. new.  We went over some of the basic business writing documents that you still encounter today in the business world, but we also looked into the business documents of the future.  So a resume and cover letter may turn into your facebook, twitter, or linkdin page.  Also we looked at the uses of technology to drive business and spread information.  Some of these were more enjoyable and applicable for me than others. 
      At the start of this class i had a very bias opinion towards twitter and thought that it was just some stupid site where people with nothing better to do would go to see what Kim Kardashian had for lunch today or where Lebron James was going to spend the next few hours of his day at.  I found this to be extremely far from the truth.  Although Twitter can be used for the aforementioned it can also be used as a way to spread useful information, share research, and gain new perspectives.  It can also be used to promote events or new campaigns for your business.  What I found out is that it is all about how you use Twitter.  If you follow the right people and engage yourself in using Twitter as a forum for knowledge and information then that is exactly what it will be.  The business and social applications are endless, and that is why Twitter will be around for a long time to come. 
     The other new online experience that we had in this class was to create a blog.  In some ways I now see this as a resource for knowledge just like twitter but did not enjoy this nearly as much.  It is not quite as much to the point and I am not a big fan of the blogging experience.  The one thing that I did enjoy about blogging was that it kept me up to date on some business relative news that was going on around the U.S and the world.  Also both Twitter and brings about one more issue as well.  For the most part when something is posted on the internet it is there to stay.  I am not saying that anyone in this class would be in this group but I am sure there are often time posts are made on both Twitter and on blogs that people later wish they would not have done.  Whether it was simply typed in the wrong word, where angry about a certain topic and used social media as an outlet, or you posted something when you were slightly inebriated.  Those posts are there and there to stay.  Yes, you can go back and delete that post or rephrase what you said but once something has been posted on the internet it is never completely gone and can be accessed by almost anyone.
      All around I thoroughly enjoyed this class, because it did present some new ideas that I had not thought of before.  It was also a very interactive course as well which I also enjoyed.

Amazon Price Check May Be Evil But It's the Future

Much of this semester and many of the blogs that I have posted have referred to the changes that technology is bringing to our daily lives.  This article talks about how Amazon has developed an app that would allow you to scan the bar code of an item in a store such as Best Buy or Target and then find the price of that item on Amazon.  This issue has raised obvious concern among retailers because it would allow customers to find the price of their products at a lower cost right in the store.  According to this article Amazon does not have to pay a sales tax since they do not have a physical location so that alone allows them to offer items at a lower cost.  Also they do not have to hire employees to present the product to the customer and make a sales pitch, a customer can go to a store and get information on a product and then purchase it online.  This is a trend that will increase in use and may put an end to many smaller retail stores.  As hard as it may be to accept that this is the future of the retail business it will more than likely become the new source for consumers to find an item at the best and lowest price.  Which may raise another question.  If we are taking all of the retail stores out and people can just access this stuff online, what happens to the employees of that retail store?  Will we see another spike in unemployment due to the layoff of retail store employees?  All of these and many more concerns are raised by this advance in the use of technology.

Is 80 The New Retirement Age?

To many of the people in this class thinking about retirement is something they do not have to worry about in the foreseeable future, but it is something that we should be not only preparing for but starting at an early age.  This is a fact that many Americans are beginning to realize.  In a survey of 800 people with over $100,000 in assets 39% thought they needed to reduce their spending in order to afford retirement.  I think that most adults under the age of 40 have realized that there will not be any social security left by the time we retire and that creating our own retirement funds is going to be our only chance to have a retirement before we are 80.  There are a number of different reasons that we could point to for this turn of events, but I think the largest one is what has our economy in so much trouble.  It is once again the concept of overextending ourselves and trying to have that American dream.  People thought they needed and even worse deserved to live in a $400,000  house and drive an expensive car and have all of the toys they need.  That overspending has lead to people becoming eyeball deep in debt and forcing them to continue to work. 

Employers Ramp Up Wellness Penalties

This article talks about some of the different incentives as well as penalties that can be issued by a company to their employees for preventative health care.  The use of wellness penalties by employers more than doubled from 2009 to 2011, rising from 8% to 19% of employers.  Companies are more likely to offer an incentive for employees who are willing to take preventative health measusres such as have a check up with their doctor.  Some employers require that employees have a certain body mass index or cholestoral level.  I think that this is a great idea and think that employees should recieve incentives if they are taking steps to become more healthy and there should be penalties for not taking those measures.  There is no doubt that the United States is one of the least healthy countries in the world with a McDonalds or Taco Bell on every corner we have quick access to unhealthy food.  We wonder why our health care costs are so high and all we have to do is look in a mirror.  I believe that these types of programs could lower the cost of healthcare and help prevent health issues by catching them early.

Chapter 14

In chapter 14 they talk about designing documens for the ready to make it easier to establish what is important to the reader as well as help make everything in the document flow.  You can use different types of text to help emphasize certain words or sentences that may have a hierarchy in the document.  The chapter also points out the use of grids to help you organize your document depending on the audience you are writing to.  Many of the concepts in this chapter are things that we have become used to over the years and growing up in the technological era.  Most of us know that if you want to make a word stand out you can make it bold, change the color, size, or font.  It is important to remember that these concepts are significant in any type of writing. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

6 Big Internet Trends To Watch For In 2012

All term long we have been talking about social networking and how the internet and other new sources can affect the way we communicate, work, and live our lives.  This article gave some of the big changes that the internet and social networks such as facebook or Twitter will bring in the near future.  We talked about in class how it is more important for employees today to be creative rather than knowledgeable because today all of the information in the world seems to be just a click away.  The article also talked about the mobilization of the workforce and that now we can access the internet from our smart phones or tablets from almost anywhere and this will change the way business is done.  This movement will also change the way that we view entertainment.  More and more people spend a larger percentage of their day online checking their social network pages or looking at a video on youtube.  Lastly the article talks about the way that advertising is beginning to change and becoming more geared to online ads than ever before.  This is an interesting article even thought it is not a long one it points out a lot of culture changes we are seeing today and the way that the internet is changing the way that we live and it is only getting started.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Business Article

In an earlier blog I talked about Bill and Melinda Gate's pursuit to rid the world of disease and their ongoing philanthropy.  I would like to broaden that scope and look at some of the other largest philanthropists in the world today and to take a look at some of the personal and business opportunities philanthropy can present.   In 2010 Bill and Melinda Gates along with Warren Buffet started the "Giving Pledge" which sought out billionaires and asked them to pledge at least half of their massed fortune to charity.  A year after this venture began 69 billionaires have signed on for the largest philanthropy endeavour in the history of our existence and with names like Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, and George Lucas it is hard to think that there are many billionaires out there who could afford to not be on this list. 
    There is not doubt that these contributions are more than any of the rich and powerful of our nation or any other have ever been willing to give and it is without a doubt more generous than most would expect.  This type of an effort was made once before by Andrew Carnegie when he wrote The Gospel of Wealth and failed miserably.    However, I look at this as another move in the game of chess that is the world of business that we are in today.  Almost all of these billionaires that have joined this movement are still active in the businesses that they have helped create and being on that list does not hurt the success of their business empire.  By becoming a part of the "Giving Pledge" these billionaires are able to affect two major aspects of business.  First, they are able to affect the public opinion of their business and of themselves as the President, CEO, CFO, or just majority stock holder in that business.  There is not doubt that public opinion can sway in dramatic ways and that a sway in the wrong way could mean a serious collapse in a companies stock price.  So this type of generosity can certainly generate a positive image to a company or individual.  Secondly, this will help to ensure the legacy of these individuals for years after they have gone.  Bill Gates will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the two founders of Microsoft and Warren Buffet will be remembered as one of the savviest investors to ever play the stock market.  By millions of others that they will have affected they will be remembered as the largest philanthropists to ever step on this planet.  This type of a legacy will not only ensure monuments will be risen in their name but you can bet will also ensure that the companies they built will continue to grow.  How can this be possible you may ask even when they are dead?  The hundreds of thousand and possibly even millions of lives that they will be making better or even saving will eventually turn into adults and consumers in this giant world of must have products.  Now do you think that someone who was saved by a measles shot they received because of the money that was donated by Gates will be buying an Apple?  I am seriously doubting it. 
     I want to make clear that I have nothing but gratefulness and respect for the individuals that are on this list.  What they have been able to do will change the world as we know it forever and give hope to those who would have had any before.  My simple point to all of this is that these titans of industry did not get where they are because they were soft loving puppy dogs.  Their genius was only equaled by their ability to destroy competitors and any other living thing that got in their way.  So, to say that they are making these type of contributions purely out of the goodness in their hearts may be a bit of a stretch.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Why Twitter Will Endure

I found this to be an interesting article because it presented the use of Twitter in a new way to me.  In the past I have thought that twitter was just a way for fans to follow famous athletes, actors, or artists.  Carr was able to present Twitter as a phenomenal source for gathering and distributing information.  A doctor could tweet a link to a new medical procedure that had been discovered in a matter of seconds rather than waiting to publish it in some magazine or medical digest.  An attorney could follow a case and relay information from half a world away in a few simple strokes of his keyboard.  Or a student could find information on a vast array of topics and not just find articles but follow individuals who actually do what they may be studying about and learn directly from them by simply following their twitter account.  The hundreds of different uses for this type of technology will ensure that twitter is around for a long time to come.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chapters 8-9

Chapter 8
In Guideline 2 the author talks about using generalizations before you present your details.  In writing it is for the most part known that you want to create a thesis statement in your first paragraph to identify for the reader what the rest of the article or paper is about.  The same can go for presenting a project or suggestion to your manager.  It is important to present the topic first and make sure your manager understands what you are presenting and what they should be looking for.  This will help the reader identify key topics within the paper that they may have not picked up on if you did not have the generalized information at the beginning of your presentation.  We have also touched on this topic in class that most people do not read a full article in today's society and that most people will just skim the article.  This makes it even more important that you catch your readers attention at the beginning so that they know this is something relevant and should take the time to read it in full.

Chapter 9
In Chapter 9 Constructing Sentences Guideline 1 they touch on a topic that we have spoken about more than once in class and that is simplifying sentences.  Often times we think that if we add a few extra words into a paragraph or paper it will make it seem like we put more thought into the paper or that we are more intelligent because we had more to say.  However, if we are using too many of the wrong words it tends to make us come across as less intelligent because we cannot seem to get the point acrossed.  By going back and simplifying sentences we can make it easier for the reader and still get our point across.  I always try to go back over what I have just written and ask if that is the way I would explain this to someone if I were speaking to them rather than writing to them.

Occupy Wall Street

U.S. cities have spent at least $13 million in response to the Occupy Wall Street movement in police overtime and other expenses.  The majority of the costs that are being incurred are from police overtime but they are also seeing damage done to city parks and property because of the movement.  When you look at the big picture this is a small amount of money when you look at some of the budget that is allotted in these cities for police overtime.  However, this is taxpayers money that is being spent to what they cities claim is keeping the protesters safe while the protesters themselves are saying it is a waste of taxpayers money to infringe on their first amendment right of freedom of speech.  This is a unique and interesting issue that our nation is seeing happen.  These protests have occurred in almost every major city in the U.S. and even here in Des Moines.  There have been arrests made because of protesters being on state property later than they should have been or for a number of other, in my opinion, rediculous reasons.  These people do and should have the right to peacefully assemble and protest an issue that they have with our federal government.  That being said I also feel that a police presence is necessary to insure that the peaceful protesting continues and that it does not escalate into a situation that can not be handled without force.  It is unfortunate that taxpayer money has to be spent for this reason but I think it is for the better good. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapters 6-7

In Chapter 6 I took the most from Guideline 2 which talks about identifying the full range of sources that may have helpful inforsmation.  Many times when we begin to research a topic especailly in this day in age we assume we can find everything we need with internet research or at our local library.  However we often forget one of the most useful tools available to us out there, people.  Those that are involved or may have been affected by the issue that you are writing about can provide greater insight than we can read on any internet site or in any library.  Someone who was in New Orleans and experienced hurricane Katrina first hand could give you far more detail about the storm and the aftermath than any journalist or reporter that may have been in the area but well out of harms way.
Chapter 7 Guideline 4 presented an interesting topic.  It is important in any form of communication to interpret each relationship for your audience.  In any job you could misinterpret information that is put in front of you if you do not understand how to read the information or if you do not understand how you should look at the information.  I have to present information to businesses everyday that depending on how they look at that information could be the difference between signing a deal or the business walking away.  I must make sure that they understand the material that I am presenting to them and make them understand the benefits that I am trying to present. 

Chapter 4-5

In Chapter 4 I found it interesting to read about how writing can change based on cultural expectations.  In countries like the US and Germany we want our writings or instructions to be extremely detailed in order to comprehend and follow correctly. While in other cultures like Asian and Arabic they are much less detailed and it can even be considered insulting if you have too much detail in a communication because you could be implying that they are not intelligent enough to figure something out for themselves.  We can often forget some of these basic cultural differences but they can be deal breakers in the business world.  In certain cultures showing respect and understanding the local customs can make or break a deal.
In Chapter 5 I was able to relate to Guideline 3 where they talk about addressing and learning from your readers concerns and counterarguments.  In my line of work as a sales rep I have to deal with clients concerns and counterarguments everyday.  I am consistently trying to find out what a client may have as a concern and looking for a way that we can resolve that issue.  Also I receive counterarguments with different proposals that I present to a client and I must listen to those arguments and figure out what we can do to reach an agreement on different topics.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Inmate-Grown Vegetable Garden Trims $15G From Food Budget

This was a short article but I thought it was very interesting and raised some questions for me.  These inmates are able to do something outside of the normal routine while in prison and they are able to help out the budgetary needs of the prison and therefore our economy.  I am aware that our prison systems do have work opportunities for low risk inmates and I think that this could be utilized more often.  The United States has a crumbling infastructure and a national debt that continues to grow.  We pay taxes everyday for these inmates to have a bed to sleep on and three meals a day so why not make them work for it.  I am not saying that they should be out on the side of a road breaking rocks but to have certain jobs that would have inmates work and contribute to a society that they have wronged (they are where they are for a reason) could benefit both our economy and our national infastructure.  Even a simple task like growing your own vegtables has saved one prison $15,000.  That is $15,000 less coming out of the tax payers pocket and can be spent in other places where it is needed. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Power to Save Lives

The article that I chose was from Forbes magazine and is about Bill Gates mission to rid the world of disease.  Bill Gates has become one of the biggest philanthropists of all time and in this article it talks about where the billions of dollars that he has donated goes.  Gates is in the process of changing the world as we know it through vaccines that are being delivered to third world countries.  He has cut deaths from the measles from 1.5 million a year at its peak to 300,000.  They are also in the process of creating, delivering, and funding vaccines for the cure of multiple other diseases and have begun to succeed.  The results have been massive: 3.4 million lives saved from hepatitis B, which causes liver cancer, 1.2 million lives from measles, 560,000 from the Hib bacteria, 474,000 from whooping cough, 140,000 from yellow fever and 30,000 from polio. In the past year the new initiatives have prevented another 8,000 deaths from pneumonia and 1,000 from diarrhea.  What does this all have to do with business, absolutely everything.  If you look at any business on the S&P 500 all of them devote a certain amount of time, energy, money, and resources to philanthropy.  Nobody wants to buy products from a business that is not willing to give back or let their employees give back.  Bill Gates does not do this work for his reputation or that of his business but it certainly does not hurt either.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 reasons why your online presence will replace your resume

I found this article interesting for a few different reasons.  First I do agree with the article and do believe that in the next 10 years a physical resume will become obsolete.  Our generation moves more into a technilogical dependent society on a daily basis.  At our jobs, in our classrooms, in our homes, and even with our social lives.  I believe that you would be hard pressed to find anyone that can go through their entire day without using some form of technology at least in a developed country like the US.  There are already some businesses that are using social network sites to get more information about a potential employee and where some see this as an invasion of their privacy, I see it as another tool to promote your own personal brand.  For the most part we are in control of who and what can be viewed on our social network sites.  Your friend may post an embarrasing photo of you passed out and duct taped to a coffee table, but you have the option of number one taking that off of your profile or number two you can always restrict who can see your profile.  I think that sites such as facebook, linkedin, and twitter can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but we must always understand that what we upload or allow to be seen on these websites will be judged by other people just as if they had been at that party duct taping you to that table themselves.  So clean up your facebook page and use it as a tool to promote your personal brand.

Abt Electronics vs. Best Buy: Why independent retailers succeed where big boxes fail.

I found this article interesting because I deal with retail stores like this one on a daily basis and it also sparks that entrepreneurial spirit.  This business started as a small mom and pop shop and has grown to a $400 million a year business.  In an age where we are drowned with advertising from the box stores (Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Sears, Target, and many others) it is nice to see that a store that finds value in customer service and doing things the right way to succeed.  Also I found it interesting that in a time where we are so drawn to finding everything via the internet (including the blog site) that a small business can still compete in that area as well by offering better pricing and customer service.  The thing that I did find most intriguing was when they talked about the store being privately owned.  This business does not have a board of directors or stockholder that they have to keep happy so they are able to make quick changes and implement new systems that will help the store without running it through a vote by its directors and getting it signed off on they just make the change and watch their profits continue to grow.

25 Things Your Boss Wants You to Know

This article was given to me by my career mentor at Wells Fargo and I thought it would be a good one to share with the class.  This article can have different meanings for different jobs and different positions within a company, but for the most part they can give us some general guidelines to follow.  As I read through this list of different things that most bosses expect you to know or do.  While I read down the list I checkmarked the expectations that I was meeting and left blank the ones that I was not.  It was suprising to see some of the different expectations that I did not mark.  Many of them I did not really think about on a daily basis, but all of them would help me to be more successful and move up in my job.  When I met with my mentor last week to discuss some of the things on the list that I did not think that I did on a daily basis we began to talk about what the upper management looks for when they are considering giving someon a promotion.  I think it is important to mention that my mentor is a VP of the relationship management side of Wells Fargo and has over 25 years of experience in the same industry at Wells Fargo so it is safe to say that she has seen what it takes to become successful.  Her take on these expectations is that these are what a boss wants to see when they are looking to make a promotion or give a raise, but that most employees are not even aware of a majority of these expectations.  In my opinion most of these expectations are attainable by almost any employee to some extent and this can serve as a guide to that next promtion.