In an earlier blog I talked about Bill and Melinda Gate's pursuit to rid the world of disease and their ongoing philanthropy. I would like to broaden that scope and look at some of the other largest philanthropists in the world today and to take a look at some of the personal and business opportunities philanthropy can present. In 2010 Bill and Melinda Gates along with Warren Buffet started the "Giving Pledge" which sought out billionaires and asked them to pledge at least half of their massed fortune to charity. A year after this venture began 69 billionaires have signed on for the largest philanthropy endeavour in the history of our existence and with names like Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, and George Lucas it is hard to think that there are many billionaires out there who could afford to not be on this list.
There is not doubt that these contributions are more than any of the rich and powerful of our nation or any other have ever been willing to give and it is without a doubt more generous than most would expect. This type of an effort was made once before by Andrew Carnegie when he wrote The Gospel of Wealth and failed miserably. However, I look at this as another move in the game of chess that is the world of business that we are in today. Almost all of these billionaires that have joined this movement are still active in the businesses that they have helped create and being on that list does not hurt the success of their business empire. By becoming a part of the "Giving Pledge" these billionaires are able to affect two major aspects of business. First, they are able to affect the public opinion of their business and of themselves as the President, CEO, CFO, or just majority stock holder in that business. There is not doubt that public opinion can sway in dramatic ways and that a sway in the wrong way could mean a serious collapse in a companies stock price. So this type of generosity can certainly generate a positive image to a company or individual. Secondly, this will help to ensure the legacy of these individuals for years after they have gone. Bill Gates will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the two founders of Microsoft and Warren Buffet will be remembered as one of the savviest investors to ever play the stock market. By millions of others that they will have affected they will be remembered as the largest philanthropists to ever step on this planet. This type of a legacy will not only ensure monuments will be risen in their name but you can bet will also ensure that the companies they built will continue to grow. How can this be possible you may ask even when they are dead? The hundreds of thousand and possibly even millions of lives that they will be making better or even saving will eventually turn into adults and consumers in this giant world of must have products. Now do you think that someone who was saved by a measles shot they received because of the money that was donated by Gates will be buying an Apple? I am seriously doubting it.
I want to make clear that I have nothing but gratefulness and respect for the individuals that are on this list. What they have been able to do will change the world as we know it forever and give hope to those who would have had any before. My simple point to all of this is that these titans of industry did not get where they are because they were soft loving puppy dogs. Their genius was only equaled by their ability to destroy competitors and any other living thing that got in their way. So, to say that they are making these type of contributions purely out of the goodness in their hearts may be a bit of a stretch.
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