Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 reasons why your online presence will replace your resume

I found this article interesting for a few different reasons.  First I do agree with the article and do believe that in the next 10 years a physical resume will become obsolete.  Our generation moves more into a technilogical dependent society on a daily basis.  At our jobs, in our classrooms, in our homes, and even with our social lives.  I believe that you would be hard pressed to find anyone that can go through their entire day without using some form of technology at least in a developed country like the US.  There are already some businesses that are using social network sites to get more information about a potential employee and where some see this as an invasion of their privacy, I see it as another tool to promote your own personal brand.  For the most part we are in control of who and what can be viewed on our social network sites.  Your friend may post an embarrasing photo of you passed out and duct taped to a coffee table, but you have the option of number one taking that off of your profile or number two you can always restrict who can see your profile.  I think that sites such as facebook, linkedin, and twitter can be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but we must always understand that what we upload or allow to be seen on these websites will be judged by other people just as if they had been at that party duct taping you to that table themselves.  So clean up your facebook page and use it as a tool to promote your personal brand.

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